Driving Out Vehicle Crime

Amthal is supporting latest Hertfordshire Constabulary advice for owners of keyless vehicles to protect vicinity keys.

Following a notable rise in car crime across the UK, and linked to Neighbourhood Watch, the updated advice follows keyless theft and highlights the possibility of vehicles being taken without the thief having physical access to a key.

Vehicle thefts have been recorded by latest crime figures* as on the increase with many criminals utilising smart technology to access keyless mechanisms and unlock cars, unbeknown to their owners.

Police advice includes:

  • Keep your vicinity key in a signal blocking pouch which stops the signal from your key. You can source suppliers of Police approved ‘Secured By Design’ RFID signal blocking pouches
  • Keep keys away from the front of your property; upstairs and hidden away is preferable.
  • Check your Manual or with your Dealer if it is possible to switch the key’s signal off.
  • Check regularly for software updates for the car.
  • For additional security, consider purchasing a steering wheel lock. If your vehicle has an alarm or immobiliser, ensure it is enabled.
  • If your vehicle doesn’t have a Tracker, consider fitting one. Vehicles equipped with tracking devices are often promptly recovered.

Says Jamie Allam, Amthal Commercial Director: “As criminals become savvier and smarter in their approach, it is imperative to heed Police advice to protect what’s precious, and ensure vehicles are safe and secure at all times. Simple measures such as keeping vicinity keys out of sight can make it harder for an opportunist thief to achieve their goal, and have to move on to easier targets.”

* Car Thefts Increased 9% Last Year, published in The Sunday Times: https://www.driving.co.uk/news/car-thefts-increased-9-last-year/