Opening Gates to Professional Installation

Automatic gates remain an increasingly popular security choice for family homes, business premises or public buildings – anywhere that full control over access is needed.

Here, Jamie Allam, CEO of Amthal, supports a new campaign by the Door Hardware Federation (DHF) to show why it’s so important to focus on correct installation and maintenance to maximise their potential and ensure they are safe and secure.

Security Gates

Powered and automated gates are more frequently becoming part of the design of all building types, including residential, commercial, public and multiple occupancy.

While there is much to consider for installers when advising clients on the right solution for their property, from the size, weight and cost of a gate system, it’s useful to be aware of the latest developments in the market.

When considering any addition, the importance of professional installation and maintenance is critical, not only to ensure the aesthetic and practical benefits but also legal compliance to European gate safety standard, EN 12453, first published in 2000.

The need for speed

Gates can be automated to either swing or slide open, and there are many factors to take into consideration when advising on which option to use. One of the most recent developments in the sliding gates market is the introduction of faster motors.

Fast authorised access control

From a security point of view, the ability to allow people and goods in and out of a property at a quicker pace reduces the risk of unauthorised entry, while waiting for a gate to close – an important consideration in both commercial and residential contexts.

Other benefits of a faster motor include reduced waiting times. This can be particularly useful for properties in busy areas, where a vehicle could risk blocking traffic, while waiting to turn into a site controlled by a slower gate.

Faster motors

A faster motor could also potentially reduce the risk of an accident from vehicles entering a property at speed. For example, this might happen if someone was making their first visit to a property situated off a fast road in an unfamiliar area.

Beyond these practical considerations, in today’s fast-paced world, people aren’t as used to having to wait for things and this applies to the time it takes to get in and out of their own property. So faster motors are likely to be more appealing for clients who have sliding gates fitted to their domestic property and who prioritise convenience.

Intelligent torque management systems

A further development in access control technology includes intelligent torque management systems, which update the level of torque required to perform the gate’s operation.  This allows it to work at the optimum level, regardless of weather conditions, temperature or the degree of wear and tear on the device.

Importance of security rights

In some scenarios, it’s important for particular individuals to have security rights. In which case, there are motors available that come with personalised keys, which are unique, providing an additional level of security.

Available space

When you only have a small space to work with, simple details can go a long way. For example, by putting the fastening screws on the front of a motor’s casing, installation and maintenance are easier and more convenient, even in particularly compact areas.

Security Gate Specialists

Working with specialists such as Amthal that offer more than just a manual, means you’ll have access to advice and support on how new products work in practice and what you need to consider before advising on an installation.  All safe in the knowledge of a professional works programme and peace of mind compliance.

Amthal, as a member of the Door Hardware Federation, is supporting a new campaign to raise awareness of the need for professional installation of Automated Gates.

For more information, please visit Door Hardware Federation, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins of Automated Gates’.

And you can find out more about our security gate installation services.