Navigating the Video Surveillance Landscape: Insights into the IFSEC Video Surveillance Report

The latest video surveillance landscape report from IFSEC delves into the dynamic interplay of technology, security, and industry-specific trends. It provides analysis based on the recent findings, weaving together perspectives on cloud technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and sector-specific applications within video surveillance.

We highlight the main findings including increased use of remote monitoring tools and artificial intelligence. All are assessed in the context and analysis of major trends in the sector and the impacts of rising inflation, geopolitical events and supply issues, all felt by businesses across the globe.

The Rise of AI

The number one observation in the IFSEC Video Surveillance Report is that AI is “actively supporting security” but there is a demand for guidance. The security sector and in particular video surveillance devices is at the more sophisticated end of the overall market in its adoption of AI with the main use being intrusion detection.

Whilst many security professionals tend to side with the positives of AI, there is caution on the ethical and data privacy implications. With guidance from the BSIA on facial recognition, this year is likely to see attempts to regulate with the European Union’s AI Act with the aim “to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology.”

The report is aware of the emerging deepfake technology that could be a major threat to trust in video surveillance.

Cloud Technology: A Pervasive Force in Video Surveillance

The Video Surveillance Report also anticipated a continued increased reliance and recommendation on cloud technology for remote monitoring of video surveillance systems. The driving adopters include remote accessibility of systems, alongside the flexibility to upgrade and adapt if more cameras or storage are required.

Barriers to adoption are cited as lack of knowledge and understanding, cyber security and data protection alongside poor internet connection or bandwidth restrictions. This may be rectified with the rise in 5G network coverage.

Industry-Specific Insights from the IFSEC Video Surveillance Report

Retail as one sector targeted by the report shows a strong demand for visual verification. This is no surprise with the increasing well-documented rise in crime, now referred to as an epidemic by leading high street stores. Simple commercial video surveillance systems for loss prevention were considered most important, alongside AI analytics for loss prevention, security and safety.

Demand is also strong in construction, with the need for simple surveillance of loss prevention and specialist mobile units to protect construction sites highlighted as a sector-specific demand to withstand tampering or attack by would-be criminals.

Night-vision/infrared technology also scored highly to protect heavy tools, equipment and plant machinery, all vulnerable to theft when fewer people are around to act as a deterrent.

Public sector and Government projects focussed on the need for one-off local CCTV installations through to critical infrastructure including healthcare, power generation and transportation projects, criminal justice and education systems.

Here integration with other physical security systems was cited as a priority for commercial video surveillance systems with other building management.

Video Surveillance Report Observations From our CEO

On the findings, Jamie Allam, CEO Amthal commented: “The IFSEC 2023 Video Surveillance Report is always a great opportunity to reflect on where we are, and a valuable resource for security professionals, offering insights that are instrumental in shaping the future of video surveillance.”

“To us, it demonstrates how our industry is at a crossroads, embracing technologies such as AI and cloud capabilities that have the proven capability to transform our role and duty of care responsibility. This has to be balanced with responding to sector-specific demands and external issues, especially seen in retail with the significant rise in crime. Looking forward, as the scope for smart buildings and integration into building management continue, we will undoubtedly see the role of video surveillance systems increase in their role to ensure futureproof public safety and security.”

How Amthal Can Support Your Commercial Video Surveillance System Requirements

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